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Thank you! I recently got this package, and was wondering if you are planning on adding crouch attack :)

Thank you so much for the wonderful characters Joanna and Eleonore! They were a wonderful fit for our tactical game:

We look forward to more animations and characters! We buy all your assets and have never regretted it: everything is done at the highest level! 

Thanks for the support! The game is looking cool!

goooood,hope can add amove whit host shield animation

Miss a crouch attack... I hope you will put it into development soon... thanks thanks .... awesome awesome sprites!

It will be added in the next update


Hi, I'm not sure I got the question right, but if you want to how I implement the animations on unity I follow something similar to this 

Thank you,you are my God!

Muito incrível, gostaria muito de um dia ter esses assets para iniciar meu principal projeto para jogo mobile. Triste o dolar está em um valor tão alto em relação a moeda do meu país.

Opa, vlws! Dolar aqui é osso msm

Sorry to bother you, i'm new at game developpement and i don't understand why on unity your sprite look better than mine when i import it, can someone explain me why can't i have the same quality ? or can someone explain me how to have the same quality ?  Thanks you!

Right mine import, left a screen of your testing game

Hi, that's a normal map effect that I was testing on unity, but is usually done on the editor, the sprite is basically the same I just applied an effect while on game


Also, you need to set the Filter Mode to point and the compression to None so the sprite don't loss quality when scaling

Okay Thanks you very much !

do you take comissions?

Not at the moment

good assets, can you update new animation for her? I saw your twitter new animation

Hi, I update the animations in packs, so I will update after I finish the next two

seems like you’re planning on adding to this over time, I haven’t seen Bow animations requested so would mine to suggest those.  Selfishly that’s one barrier to swapping this in for my my main character :)

Hi, unfortunately I don't have any predictions of adding bow animations for her, only a whip for a ranged atk


All 4 movement directions would be appreciated


I have bought this asset 314 days ago and still haven't seen any asset better than this 💀 💀

Thanks for the support :bD


Would pay an additional cost for left-facing animations. I was wanting to leverage this for a prototype but can’t use it fully because left-facing animations are missing.

It’s an immense amount of work I know. I’m open to commissioning this work to make it worth your trouble.

Hello, unfortunately I am not available to receive commissions at the moment

No prob. Lemme know if that changes.

Hi, I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to achieve but you can simply take the png file -> flip them using any photo editor -> and you have left facing animations ;) 

Doing a simple flip changes the right handed sword wielder to a left handed sword wielder. Granted that it’s a common technique and not too noticeable.

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The new action is really great~~ It would be perfect if we add a lift-off strike action! (Just use the UpLightAtk action, but release it in mid-air) 

Like the hollow knight up atk?

Sorry, I haven't played Hollow Knight yet, so I'm not sure if the action in this game is what I imagined. But the following action fits my idea perfectly:

It mainly jumps from bottom to top and strikes upward, which is more powerful, and can be followed by a second stage of aerial strike on the enemy that was knocked into the air, so that the whole action can be connected smoothly.


Oh, got it! That's a type of animation that I will do in a extra attacks update pack, but for now I will give atention to some other assets

Haha, you just understand what I mean. Looking forward to your other works~

This is great work! but when I import it into Unity with the aseprite file. the animation are with Dummy and the movement animations all have frames. How we we remove the "ground" / "frames" ?


If you are using the aseprite package you need to hide those layers and then save, it will auto update, if you are using other type of import tool, just hide or remove those layers and import the file again I think

miniiino que trem bonito


Obrigado! :D


Thanks : )

I bought your bag the other day, these characters are so interesting! But I am a novice, character animation adjustment is very challenging, I do not know if you can provide unity animation demo, let me learn it, thank you!!

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Hello, I don't have too much time to prepare a demo for the characters but I think using the aseprite package of this video  could help.

Ok, thank you  ^_^


we need wall slide, please


Hi! After the next asset I pretend to do that animation


This is tremendous work!  Any chance we could get sideview ladder animations added in an update at some point? 

Hi, thanks! Yes, this animation is on my list for next updates

I'm integrating this with my game and find myself missing two basic animations: quaffing a potion, and throwing an item. Otherwise it's quite complete! Thanks again for your amazing work!

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Hi! These are animation that are on the upcoming list but for the next update 

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Beautiful work. Really pleased with my purchase, looking forward to the next set of animations! I've implemented almost everything in my platformer except the magic and it plays beautifully.

I think the animations most useful to me at this point would be wall sliding and more attacks! Mostly down aerials and up ground attacks. I hope you keep working on this set, your style is beautiful.

Now I'm off to implement a goblin fighter :)

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Thanks! Also the game looks very smooth, well done! But about the animations I usually follow the list I put on the project page, so the next animations are back dash, air heavy atk and probably air block or knockback.

emm can I know when the gir turn left,whats her attack?wher is her shield?take in right or left? 


Hi Otsoga, will back dash animation be released?

Love your art btw, totally killed it :D Thanks.

Yeap, but the new animations for her will come after the next goblin character, I'm thinking about crouch, back dash and Air Block

Thanks!! That would be awesome. Thanks again~

It would be nice to have a crouching animation and a crouching attack

Hi, the new animations for this asset will come after the next goblin character

Looking forward to your new animation, it's awesome!

The hurt animation needs to be offset by about 8 pixels to line up with the idle animation. Is this intentional?

Unfortunally not every animation fit on the canvas perfectly, so some of them need the pivot to be adjusted. If you use unity I reccomend to use the aseprite package, this will import the animations with the pivot fixed.

What are the fps used for the animations in the videos?

Hi, usually 10 to 12 frames per second

Awsome, thanks!

BTW if you are still Working on this charcter thise animations would be nice to have:

  • A downwards areal attack that can be used for example "pogoing" (similar to the down attack of holow knight etc)
  • An upwards slash to attack enemies above.
  • A simple cast animation consisting of A short cast loop of some sort and a cast animation where she just extends her arm forward.

Hi, the new animations for this asset will come after the next goblin character, there's some similar animations like those on develop too

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Great work! Probably the best pixel character I could found on this website, no joking. 

May I ask if you have noFX or noGlow version of holyslash? This is my favorate anim in your set, however, I would like to adjust its FX a little bit cuz I'm using is in UE.

Any feedback is appreciated XD

Thank you! I did a small update including the noFX version of the holyslash

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This is pretty awesome...

1. Are Aesprite files included?

2. Is there only a "neutral" jump animation? I played around with your asset tester and this seems to be the case. I only ask because if your character is running or sprinting and jumps it looks odd if it isn't more of a parabolic jump motion (like the character should be leaning forward basically). I only ask because I've seen this issue with a few other asset packs that seem to use a neutral or "straight upward" jump for every type of "jump".

3. How modifiable  is it, assuming there's an Aesprite file provided? For example, being able to equip a "helm" or a different weapon via modifiying layers in Aesprite.

I'm interested in purchasing this, but I'm a little pickier these days given how many abandoned asset packs I've gotten over the years.

If I had one request, more flexibility in the jump animation(s) would be absolutely amazing.

I could add new jump animations but only on the future, this asset follow the same patern of movement on the game "Momodora". Aseprite files are included.

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Appreciate the quick reply. 

While I think everything looks pretty good overall (in Momodora too), it falls a bit short if the character has a sense of momentum (i.e. sprinting or running) and the illusion breaks to some degree when jumping. I could probably create a few frames myself I guess but I'm not a good pixel artist, lol.

No worries. I'm just picky regarding jump animations because they're such a crucial gameplay element in most side-scrolling games.

This is an example of what I'm talking about visually:

Yes, I understand, it's something I also thought about before. I'll probably do a more forward leaning jump animation when I start the Air Block animation.

Very cool. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

is the aesprite provided for 1.6 update animations?

Hi, I will check again if the file is there

The 1.6 animations are on the JoannaD'ArcIIICasts.aseprite file

I love these pixel animations! The best I've ever seen! Would you accept requests to design characters for my game?

Hi, thanks for the kind words! Unfortunately I'm not available for works on the moment.

Hi! Does this asset include a Demo Scene with fully controllable character?

Hi, nope, the demo scene is only for testing

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Hey, amazing sprites thank you so much!
I'm running the sprite animations from the sprite sheet, and its a little tricky to figure out which ones start where.
Do you have any kind of mapping for which animations start and finish when and how many frames.  (also how big each frame is, seems like its (98,66) in the sheet I'm looking at.
Edit: I was able to figure out the walk loop from the single sprites, start at 3 and 18 frames, but still it'd nice to have the numbers :)

The best way is looking on the individual sprites, unfortunately I don't have the numbers on the moment. In the next update I can put the loop sprites in diferent columns on the sprite-sheet

Also, the resolution is not the same for all animations since some animations can take more canvas space

That's no problem, thanks. I can manually slap the separate sprites into a sheet.
Sorry, another question - I noticed some sprites are not aligned the same as the rest, for example, the LightAttack sprites are centred and her feet are not at the bottom. This is different to say the UpLightAttacks where they are bottom aligned. Do you know if there's a simple way to fix this? (otherwise I'll need to reposition each one in the code somehow, not ideal).

I use Unity, so I just change the pivot on the editor, but you can try to trim the aseprite file and exports the individual sprites on equal canvas size or export the sprite-sheet on grid mode.

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Just purchased this! One of the best pixel art on here. What is the resolution to this?

Hi! I usually use it on a canvas of 64px but the size can change depending on the animation

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Would you be interested in adding animations for

  • Draw Sword
  • Sheath Sword
  • Idle, Sheathed
  • Walk, Sheathed

Hi! Maybe on the future

Deleted 1 year ago

Hi! You can contact me on my email, I'm with commission closed by now but it depends on the offer


<3 Awesome pack <3 ..... would be nice as next update: CROUCH ... CROUCH_ATTACK .... 

Thanks! Those animations are on the list, but  only after the next update.

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Sorry if this is a selfish request, but is there any chance you could make an alternate turning animation where she switches shield + sword arms so the rest of the animations would only need to be mirrored to keep things running smoothly?

Hello, maybe in a future update

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I like this animation material

Your material consists of a one-handed shield and a one-handed sword, resulting in a situation that requires two sets of actions.

However, when making games, manufacturers usually only use a set of one-way material, because it can save a lot of time and cost, of course, many manufacturers choose to wear a cloak to hide the weapon, or directly hold two-handed weapons to avoid this problem.

When I was working with your set of materials, I noticed that your weapons, sword and shield, were on the same layer, so I took the time to separate them.

Also, there are very few layers of your footage that have been altered incorrectly.

Hi, thanks for the feedback! I use same layer for weapons as a pattern because it's easier to work, and there will be some mistakes on the aseprites files mainly because with that amount of animation I might end up doing something on the wrong layer, it's not 100% accurate.

Keep going and make more packs because you do great.

Thanks for the support :D

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